
On a Journey



I’m told a positive attitude contributes to a successful recovery.  Fortunately, I am by nature a positive, happy person and have maintained this attitude up to a couple of weeks ago. My weekly chemo schedule is aggressive, with a double dose of carboplatin and taxol every three weeks and taxol in the two weeks between. The last double dose kicked my butt and put me in nadir. My attitude took a dive and I’ve been struggling with my headspace.

As a result, I haven’t been able to write for this blog because the only thing I would write are paragraphs that say: this sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks.

Thankfully, my sister Pat and brother-in-law Deo flew in from Phoenix for a visit. They worked with Scott to get my garden in order, weeds pulled, pots planted, sprinkler system turned on. My sister gave me the tough love I needed to change my headspace. I am blessed to have family and friends who have helped hold me up.

My attitude is starting to improve. Next Friday will be another double dose and the halfway point with two months to go. I’ve made it this far.

Speaking of friends, I’ve had so many who want to help. I’ve asked that they help by walking me and my two dogs, Sadie Dogg and Willow. There are some days when I’ve had two or three friends who want to walk us and for the first time ever my two Australian Shepherds are getting worn out by walks around the lake. One morning Cheri walked them around the lake twice (6 miles), in the afternoon Shannon walked them 3 miles and in the evening Karen walked with us for about 2.5 miles. That evening my sweet pups ate dinner and collapsed snoring at our feet. Happy dogs, happy home.


No vacation for these two! 

No vacation for these two! 

Walking companion Lisa

Walking companion Lisa

Worn out Aussies!

Worn out Aussies!

The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time

Project Self

Project Self