
On a Journey

My Saving Grace

My Saving Grace

During the eleven years I lived in San Francisco, I drove my little Honda Civic Wagon maybe two dozen times. I would either walk or take public transportation to wherever I was going. Walking was always my preference. Five years on Russian Hill, walking up blocks and blocks of steps past beautiful terraced gardens with stunning views. Six years in the Mission District I was fortunate to live four doors down from my best friend and co-worker, Katharine Kaplan, who was also a walker. We’d get up early and walk the 3 miles to work. Our route took us through some pretty seedy neighborhoods with the Mission’s crack and heroin addicts and Market street’s blocks and blocks of homeless. We made it a habit to stay on the heroin addict side of the street, because they were either nodding off or just out of it. Whereas crack addicts can be violent and unpredictable. 

I found that out about crack addicts the hard way. I went to meet a friend for lunch and if I stayed on the crack addict side of the street, it was a straight shot to the restaurant across to Market Street. What could happen on one of those rare sunny San Francisco days on a Friday at noon?  Everyone was happy! I cruised down the crack side of the street when out of nowhere, a women came running at me and in full force cold cocked me. Knocked my sunglasses off my face and left me in a daze. Just like in the cartoons, I saw little stars circling around my head. Thankfully, the woman kept on running down the street, yelling obscenities. I was lucky she didn’t beat the crap out of me, or stab me. For the next couple of weeks, I had a big goose egg and bruise on my face. I never walked on the crack addict side of the street again.

When I bought my house in Denver the main draw, aside from the beautiful bungalow house and garden, was Sloans Lake. We are two blocks from Sloans and there hasn’t been a day when I don’t walk it with my pups. I have been walking every day since I got out of the hospital. I have gone further each time and unbelievably on Monday, one week after my 2nd chemo, I walked 3 miles around the lake! I am grateful to my friend Holly who prompted me to try it and she slowed her pace to stick by my side. The next day I walked ¾ around the lake and have been doing that every day, even the day after my 3rd chemo. Now when friends come to visit, I ask them to walk with me. Thank you Amelia, Michele, Deb and of course Scott!

Walking has become my saving grace. It is the time I meditate, pray or enjoy the beauty of spring. It makes me happy. I am told by my health professionals it will make it easier if I continue to eat a high protein healthy diet, hydrate, keep a positive attitude, have a supportive network of family and friends and walk. There is no doubt in my mind I will continue to do all that, even if my walks get shorter over time.

Now I am off to get haircut #2 ala Jamie Lee Curtis. Yes, the hair is starting to go away.

Project Self

Project Self

