
On a Journey



By Susanna's friend and co-worker, Amelia, who writes "Susanna said pick anything - this picture is one of my chickens and hopefully it will make folks laugh!"

I met Susanna several years ago at work, and was immediately impressed with (and honestly jealous of) her ability to tell hard truths and get shit done.  She gave multiple presentations in which she had to tell high ranking officials that certain situations were utterly unacceptable, and she did it in such a way that those officials and their staff wanted to take her to lunch after the presentation.

I immediately made it my mission to channel Susanna whenever someone needed a stern (but friendly) talking to.  While my channeling still needs a lot of work, I am constantly inspired by Susanna’s strength, tenacity, and humor. Last night we were talking about the road ahead, and Susanna was wondering if some sort of bad karma was responsible for this horrible diagnosis. I think the opposite. I know in my bones that all the good karma Susanna has garnered through her lifetime of kicking ass and doing good is going to be the thing that gets her past cancer and back to doing everything she loves.

Thinking About Age

Thinking About Age

Holding On

Holding On