
On a Journey

Holding On

Holding On

By Anika Carrasco Trujillo, Susanna's niece & goddaughter

There is a magnet on my parents' refrigerator that says: "The best thing to hold onto in life, is each other." In situations of change, we do tend to reach out for each other. Over the past few weeks, my Aunt Susan has experienced so many emotions, from sadness to hopelessness, to joy, to gratitude for experiences thus far. Throughout it all, she has had people who will not leave her side, people who have sent cards, called or have visited.  Messages of love, encouragement and hope. Believe me, she has appreciated it all.

So, on behalf of Susan's entire family: thank you. Thank you to those who have prayed, those who have held her hand, those who have helped with her dogs, those that have made her laugh and those that have given her words or memories that have reminded her of that fighting spirit that she has always carried with her.

Thank you especially to Scott who has been her rock in the last few weeks. I have watched him remain calm and hopeful, often times using his own strength to get her through each day.

And so, as things move forward in this journey, please continue to send love and positivity.  Please continue to visit and think of her. Please remember these are the times when we'll need each other the most.



Susanna the Strong

Susanna the Strong