
On a Journey



Recently I saw a homeless woman living under a bridge, and she did not look well. Her sole possessions fit in an overloaded grocery cart. I wondered when her time comes, who will be with her? Will she have somewhere comfortable to go? Her predicament worried and saddened me. I went to the nearest McDonald's and got her the biggest breakfast available, albeit not the healthiest.  When I went back to give it to her, she was long gone. I've been thinking of this woman since my diagnosis and I count my blessings.

I survived a 6.5 hour surgery with an incision that runs from my pubic bone to right below my sternum. I am blessed to have great health care and providers.  My surgeon Dr. Sarah is a beautiful young woman, which is a blessing to have her steady hands and good eyes.

Before surgery, I was surrounded by family and as I recover I am visited by friends. I am blessed for the love and support I have received.

I am healing, yesterday I walked twice from one end of the hallway and back to the other. I am blessed to have nurses and strong friends who hold me up as I walk.

The surgery may be completed, but the battle is far from over. Within 4-6 weeks I will begin 4 months of chemo. Chemo, a word that has always frightened me. I always said if I had cancer I'd forego chemo, but I want to survive this, I want to live and I will do whatever it takes to beat this!  It's going to be tough, I know that. And I know that each day is a blessing.

Rough and Tough

Rough and Tough

Love (and Strength)

Love (and Strength)