
On a Journey

Love (and Strength)

Love (and Strength)

Susanna is taking a break and preparing for her surgery on Wednesday morning, so she asked me to write a short post to let everyone know that she may be silent here on the blog during her recovery and post treatment, but somehow I feel like we all know she'll be back sooner than we think, and stronger than ever.

Most of you probably don't know me. I'm Antonio, Susanna's nephew, and I helped her set up this site so she could keep all the people she loves informed on her progress along this road. And so, speaking of Love, she told me that 'Love' was originally her intended theme for tonight's post, "Because I've never had a life without love, and am blessed to be surrounded by it now," she said, as at least a dozen friends and family members kept her company the day before surgery.

On a personal note, music is something that Susanna and I have shared the entire time that I have been alive. When MTV was new (and actually played music videos) I specifically remember loving to dance in front of the TV while she sang along to The Police's "Spirits In The Material World" in the early 80's. When she left our house, back to whatever next grand mountaintop she was off to, the records she left behind would shape my world - Cyndi Lauper & Prince were the ones that I loved to listen to, and which left indelible marks. Later in life, her mixtapes (yes, cassettes) that we would exchange (via US Postal Service) featuring David Byrne, Yellowman, Fine Young Cannibals and Oingo Boingo would seal the deal on my love of eclectic music. In exchange I introduced her to Concrete Blonde, Lhasa de Sela and whatever world music that I was in love with at the time.

The point of all this? Well, Love is defined differently by everyone, but for me, Love has always been something that helps a person through a certain period of time. Whether that time is 2 weeks, a year or 50 years is only secondary. It's the sole expression of (any version of) love that lifts, and in the same respect I feel like love has always been an act of strength. It strengthens.

I feel like everyone who has commented here and on Facebook has a certain love for Susanna, and expressing that can only be an act of strength. Whether it be blasting 'Raspberry Beret' out of your (my) car windows on a late night drive, or dancing wildly in your (my) living room to a new favorite song, we all have our own form of prayer.

Thanks to everyone who has been following - and will follow along with - Susanna's current road. I shared the video below with Susanna many months ago, and it includes one of my still current mantras. May we all only grow stronger.



